If you plant a backyard apple tree, you’re going want to bake some treats in September.
To bake some treats, first you have to research the best recipes. You’ll find recipes for pie and cake and caramel apple biscuits, and you’ll want to bake them all.
You’ll want to try the caramel apple biscuits, and see it needs boiled cider. You wonder what that is, and google it. When the price is extravagant, you’ll want to make your own.
So you pick more apples (or have your children pick them) and make gallons of apple cider. Right about now, you’re excited to use your kitchen gadgets to their fullest potential.
Canning takes up an enormous amount space. I always wish for an extra stove!
You’ll boil some of your cider down into syrup, and wonder about canning the rest.
At the same time, you’re staring at hundreds of backyard apples, thinking about homemade apple sauce. While looking up the recipe , you and your daughter see a recipe for apple rhubarb chutney, and you decide to try that, too.
You do both recipes.
Chutney and apple sauce goodness. The beautiful jars beg to be left out, but they’re safely tucked in the pantry.
The cider isn’t canned yet, and you’re out of jars, so you send your husband out for more large jars.
He buys them for you. You are so grateful for an amazing husband.
When you have the jars, you fill the canner again, boil and boil and can and wonder what to do with more apples.
You freeze some. And eat some. And make cake. And eat some more.
Then, after 2 weeks, and you still have hundreds of apples, you wonder if you should buy another fridge for cold storage. Instead, you hope friends will happily accept gifts of apples.
You’ll tuck away your jars of canned apple goodness, dehydrate a batch or two (more) of apple chips, give away apples to friends, and look to the now bare and pruned apple tree.
Staring at the tree will make you hopeful for another bumper harvest next year…
I love this.
Thank you! 🙂
Laura Numeroff would be proud. 🙂
Thank you! What a compliment. 😉