“My Visit With Jesus”: children’s prayer book highlight
Two years ago I released the prayer journal for children to use in Adoration! Families and religious education classes alike love this journal, which has sold over 1,500 copies!
To celebrate, I’m highlighting all the great features of the journal. Have you ordered one yet?
What’s it about, Gina?
Thanks for asking! I wrote this journal with my boys in mind, and all children who have ever groaned when Mom says “we’re going to Adoration today!” So really, Moms, I wrote this journal for you.
It’s a book about Adoration, and it’s a book to pray with in Adoration. When I wrote this, it was with the hope that the book will help children learn to love the Lord while praying in Eucharistic Adoration. 2020 certainly made it harder for families to attend Adoration at their parishes, as so many churches closed their doors. I have great news for you:
You can pray with this book anytime and anywhere! This book is still for you and your children even if you can’t or choose not to go to Adoration with children. You can teach your children about the beauty of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament with the information I provide, and you can pray with your children in your home with the book. Keep reading for tips on that.
What’s inside?
Inside the 63-page book you’ll find:
- 19 Psalms and reflections.
- Questions for children to think about and pray with
- Room to write prayers and thoughts
- Coloring pages to complement the Psalms and reflections (some drawn by Rakhi McCormick from Rakstar Designs)
- Blank pages for drawing or journaling
- Lined page to record prayers for specific people
- Additional prayers for Adoration
- Terms to know about Adoration
- Guide for praying in Adoration, to help children appreciate and understand their time before the Lord
Order one now!

What are the prayers like?
The prayers come from my heart, inspired by and based off the Psalms I chose for this book. They are written to help children understand the Psalm, and apply the words to their life. My hope and goal with these prayers is to draw your children into a conversation with the Lord, and then use what I wrote as a “jumping off” point for their own prayer.
There are also quotes from Saints, rote prayers from the rich tradition of our Church, and prayers like the Divine Praises that you and your children will likely hear if you attend a Holy Hour at your parish.
I love this! What ages did you write for?
When I wrote, I had my own boys in mind. They’re between the ages of 7 and 12. My seven year old loves to color the pictures, but he hasn’t written in the book. You can certainly pray this with your child, reading aloud to her and praying aloud with her.
I have also heard that some older teens, and even some adults have enjoyed praying with this journal! (hot tip for those reading: I have a short PDF printable just for you ladies. Sign up here to get it free!)
I have more than one child in that age group. Do you have a discount for buying more than one? #largefamily
Heck yes, I do! I see you, Moms of large families. I hear you, Grandmothers and Godmothers. If you want 4 or more books, send me a message for the special discount and a personalize invoice. My email is somedaysaintsblog @ gmail.com.
My parish doesn’t offer Adoration. I don’t know if we’ll get use from this, even though I like it.
I’m sorry to hear that, but you can still pray with this journal! You can visit your church and pray before the tabernacle. Our Lord is still just as present there, even though we can’t see Him. And did you know that you can live-stream Adoration? It’s true. Look it up on YouTube. I look at it this way: Since we as Catholics believe Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, then a live-stream Adoration is not too different from a video call with a loved one.
Set up prayer time at home!
Start a time for a home “holy hour”, or a “holy 15 minutes”–because let’s be real. A quiet hour of prayer at home is a far-off dream for many of us (myself included!).
- Light a candle or two to set the environment. Get out a few pencils and coloring tools in advance also, so you’re prepared. Have your Bible, plus a journal for you, Moms.
- Turn on some low music or Gregorian chant if you like. This always helps me focus a bit more on the time set aside for prayer, and it gradually focuses my children as well.
- Start your prayer with the Sign of the Cross, and a prayer you all know by heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to make your time fruitful.
- Pray the Psalms aloud together if you wish.
- Spend 5 or more minutes in silence, praying and journaling.
- If you choose, end your prayer time with another beloved prayer, such as the Glory Be or one of the prayers from the prayer book.
Any questions? I’d love to answer them for you.
Leave a comment or send me a message! Or, check out this post with tips about going to Adoration with children.
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