Embrace the Ordinary vol. 26
This week…well, it’s been another in the books that hasn’t gone at all like “normal”, but now I’m starting to think that this is our new normal. Monday was a “typical” day, minus the snow and the break outside much of the morning for playing and shoveling. Tuesday we skied. Wednesday I spent the morning taking care of Kindergarten enrollment, then we had a fabulous few hours playing and chatting with friends. Thursday I spent the morning in the pediatrics office, finding out what we can do to start solving our 6 year-old’s tummy troubles. It included a blood-draw, which was exhausting. Poor kid is very sensitive, and just the thought of having his blood drawn was enough to induce a crying spell that left his cheeks red and blotchy. Friday I ended up baking a birthday cake, and 5 dozen cupcakes. The cupcakes were a last-minute request by my husband for a work need, and I only needed to have 25…but the first batch baked so wonky that I only was able to use 10.
So all morning I baked, and did school with my oldest, and rushed the cupcakes to work just after noon. Then we had lunch all together (a nice treat), and then it was rush home to pick up practice books and violin for my daughter’s lesson.
I’m so glad it’s a 3-day weekend for us! Today is my husband’s birthday, so Happy Birthday, Fence!! We love you tons and I’m so incredibly blessed you are my husband, so much I can’t even describe it.
“…there is something holy, something divine hidden in the most ordinary situations, and it is up to each one of you to discover it.” St. Josemaria Escriva, Passionately Loving the World
Did you see the photo tutorial? I show how to edit photos into black and white in PicMonkey!
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This title “embrace the ordinary” reminds me of parts of Ann Voskamp’s book (1000 Gifts)…man I wish I was brave enough to go skiing, I get nervous on the baby bunny hilss, lol!
I haven’t read that yet!
I am only barely brave enough to ski, mostly because my kids love it and my hubby encouraged me. My preference is to not ski! And I have only twice done anything other than the bunny hills. lol
My husband and I skied while on our honeymoon in Colorado for the first time. At first I was doing awesome (or at least as well as a newbie can do) while my husband was falling around every corner. Then when we finally went up to the higher and last lift of the day I got altitude sickness on the way up and we had to chill a little for me to get myself together. Finally we made the trek down and I lost control of my speed, was going way to fast, didn’t know how to fall well, and rammed straight into my husband who was doing really awesome at the time. Ahh, memories. lol Glad y’all got to get out and enjoy! And, Happy Birthday to your husband 🙂
What memories!! Have you skied since then?