Embrace the Ordinary, 2020 vol. 1


“What is ordinary anymore?” we wonder. “Will life be normal again?”

Whatever life used to be, two weeks ago, it is no longer. But still the same things and the same people fill my world.

Two weeks ago, before schools closed and social distancing became our way of life, what mattered most my was loving my family.

And today, March 28, 2020, loving my family is still what matters.

“Ordinary” this week hasn’t been the same in the specifics.

Instead of coffee and prayer after my children leave for school, I drink my coffee with them nearby (even in my lap!) while I pray. We’ve been to Adoration together, prayed the rosary with the world, received the Papal “urbi et orbi” blessing together.

Instead of cleaning up the house after they head off to school, we’re keeping the house tidy-ish together. Honestly, the house is messier with them home all day every day, but we’re also busier in the home now! Gradually, I’m teaching them more about caring for the home and the yard, gently building life skills.

Ordinary now sounds like boys laughing, yelling, then learning to apologize and forgive–about 12 times a day.

Ordinary now looks like dozens of books strewn about all the couches, because all the kids are reading throughout the day.

Ordinary now is extraordinary, because home is about the only place to be. So home is now louder, messier, funnier, more annoying, more in need of my deliberate attention.

But still the ordinary meals and laundry, the ordinary whims of children, the ordinary needs for love and forgiveness and laughter remain.

This week, we made candles and chocolate cake. We like to create and we like to celebrate, so that’s what we did. Candles for future celebrations and family prayers, cake for the Annunciation.

What was part of your ordinary? How are you embracing the joys still to be found?

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